Preziorik onena % 42ko deskontua Joyevita Capsu 2 ml aurrez betetako Pod kartutxoan (2 pieza), 6.99 $ bakarrik

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$6.99 $11.99 Erosi da orain
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$6.99 $11.99 Erosi da orain

Aurkeztu du JoyeVita Capsu 2ml Prefilled Pod Cartridge, a convenient and versatile solution for your vaping needs. Designed for use with the JoyeVita pod system, these pre-filled pods offer hassle-free vaping with no mess or hassle.

Joyevita Capsu


Joyevita Capsu  Key Features:

  1. Pre-filled Design: The  pods come pre-filled with e-liquid, eliminating the need for manual refilling. Simply insert the pod into your JoyeVita device and start vaping right away.
  2. 2 ml E-Likido Edukiera: Each Capsu pod has a capacity of 2ml, providing plenty of e-liquid to keep you vaping throughout the day without the need for frequent refills.
  3. Convenient Pack: The JoyeVita Capsu pods come in a pack of 2, ensuring you always have a spare on hand when you need it.
  4. Zapore aukera zabala: Aukeratu hainbat zapore goxoen artean zure lehentasun eta gogoei egokitzeko. Fruta-zaporeak, mentolak edo tabako-zapore klasikoak nahiago dituzun ala ez, denek gozatzeko aukera dago.


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